Thermography is a non-invasive clinical imaging procedure for detecting and monitoring of several diseases and / or physical injuries in the body. Thermography, is a high-tech health screening tool (a high-definition infrared camera) that creates a digital map of your body and temperature patterns – these patterns may show abnormalities that can be indicative of inflammation (or abnormal heat spots on the body)
Thermographic cameras work by detecting heat that naturally emits from the body and provides a visual for inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the first sign of degenerative diseases, such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease, thyroid issues, and other chronic health conditions. Early detection of this inflammation may help you to develop a health plan (lifestyle change) to prevent those health conditions from even developing in the first place.
Thermography is very safe, non-invasive with absolutely no radiation and no-touch. There’s no poking or prodding when you get a thermogram. It’s just an infrared camera that takes photos of your body. That’s it. There’s absolutely no pain involved.

Types of Thermography Scans:

Full Body Scan:This screening includes images from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet.  It includes everything in the half body screening plus all extremities.
Breast Scan: Breast thermography is a 15-minute non-invasive test of physiology. It is a valuable procedure for alerting your doctor to changes that can indicate early signs of complication in the breast
Upper or Lower Body Scan: This screening includes images from the top of the head to just above the pubic bone or the pubic bone to the feet.

Here is what to expect when getting a Thermogram:

Step 1: You will be placed in a temperature-controlled room to allow your body to regulate to normal core temperatures. During that time, you’ll be asked to complete some simple paperwork, including a health survey.
Step 2: You will be positioned in front of a Thermal Imaging Camera, and from there the technician will take digital images. This relatively short process can take anywhere between 5-15 minutes. You will be able to see yourself “live” on the computer screen, which would allow for a better personal understanding of your body.
Step 3: Your pictures are sent out to a certified physician for analysis of 1) the amount of heat and 2) the symmetry of the heat patterns. Heat patterns may indicate inflammation, infection, or a variance from your body’s norm.

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